The GRA Group

Working party to resolve the issues with the Gender Recognition ACT 2004 and with other affected legislation.

The forum for this discussion is on Slack, you will need to be registered to participate.

Children and gender identity

Issues around education and medical treatment. Some useful resources and commentary Briefings from Transgender Trend Child-on-child sexual abuse in Marcus Evans, former Director at the NHS Tavistock and Portman Susan Evans, phycologist and former nurse at the NHS Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS). Her request for a judicial Kirsty Entwhistle, …

Children and gender identity Read More »


The law and its development Legal commentary Development of the law regarding gender ID in the European Court Home Office Report of the Interdepartmental Working Group on Transsexual People April 2000 The Forstater Employment Tribunal judgment: a critical appraisal in light of Miller Karon Monaghan February 2020 To sum up: statute and case law recognises a …


The next meeting of the Gender Recognition Act Reform Group – GRARG

15th July 2020 8pm It’s been an eventful few weeks since the meeting on 24th June 2020 – I’ve been banned from Medium for the crime of posting a summary of our first meeting. But happily we have found a new home. We’ve had the shocking spectacle of Google joining forces with Stonewall and Gendered …

The next meeting of the Gender Recognition Act Reform Group – GRARG Read More »

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