AGP: Autogynephile
AHF: Adult Human Female
CAIS: Complete androgen insensitivity syndrome
DSD: Difference (or Disorder) of Sexual Development (“Intersex”)
GC: Gender Critical
GD: Gender Dysphoria
GIC: Gender Identity Clinic
GIDS: The Gender Identity Service (the UK service for teens with GD, also “The Tavistock”)
GRA: The Gender Recognition Act 2004
GRC: Gender Recognition Certificate
HRT: Hormone Replacement Therapy, often used by trans people to reference their medication
HS: Homosexual (often as HSTS, homosexual transexual)
MAP: “minor-attracted person”, usually meaning a paedophile, possibly one who only ideates
NB: non-binary
OSIM: Opposite Sex Imitation Medicine
OWAW: “Only Women are Women”
PAIS: Partial androgen insensitivity syndrome
PCOS: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
TERF: Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist
TG: transgender
TIF: Trans identifying female (a woman who identifies as trans)
TIM: Trans identifying male (a man who identifies as trans)
TS: Transsexual
TM: transman (a woman who identifies as a man)
TW: transwoman (a man who identifies as a woman)
TWAW: “transwomen are women”
VSC: Variation of Sexual Characteristics (“Intersex”)
WLW: Women who love women
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